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Bridge Housing

What is Bridge Housing?  

Bridge Housing provides adults experiencing homelessness with semi-private rooms and individualized case management to support more effective connections to permanent housing. 

Key Characteristics of Bridge Housing 

  • Coordinated Access: Serves targeted populations based on program criteria, including individuals matched to a permanent housing resource through the District’s Continuum of Care who are working through their housing lease-up process​. 
  • Case Management: Participation in case management is required to maintain residency.​ 
  • Semi-Private Rooms: Two-person suites with private bathrooms provide more privacy than low-barrier shelters.​ 
  • Timely Transitions: Built-in timelines ensure residents move toward permanent housing.​ 
  • Inclusive Services: Serves men, women, and non-conforming individuals.​ 
  • Advances District’s Goal: Supports efforts to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring. 

Low-Barrier Shelter vs. Bridge Housing 

The following table highlights the differences between Low-Barrier Shelter and Bridge Housing. 


Low-Barrier Shelter

Bridge Housing


Open with minimal requirements



Emergency shelter and basic needs

Short-term support to secure housing

Support Services


Comprehensive (focused on housing readiness)


Temporary (days/weeks)

Short- to medium-term


Anyone needing immediate shelter

Targeted based on program criteria


How to Access Bridge Housing  

Individuals and families may be connected to Bridge Housing through the Coordinated Assessment and Housing Placement (CAHP).   

Current DHS Bridge Housing Programs 

  • The Aston: 1129 New Hampshire Avenue NW (Ward 2) 
    Operated by Friendship Place 
    Phone: 202-893-6688 
    Email: [email protected] 
  • Girard Street Apartments: 1413 Girard St NW (Ward 1) 
    Operated by Community of Hope 
    Phone: 202-232-7356 
    Email: [email protected] 
  • Valley Place: 1355 Valley Place SE (Ward 8) 
    Operated by Friendship Place 
    Phone: 202-742-5620 
    Email: [email protected] 

DHS Contact 

Christian Howard, Program Manager, 202-946-9416, [email protected]