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Medical Assistance

The District of Columbia offers medical coverage to income-eligible residents through Medicaid, Alliance, and DC Healthy Families programs. DHS also helps with paying for Medical Bills in the last 3 Months (Retro Medicaid).

What is Medicaid?

District of Columbia Medicaid is a joint federal/state health insurance program that provides health care coverage to low-income and/or disabled individuals and families. Medicaid covers many services, including doctor visits, hospital care, prescriptions, mental health services, transportation and many other services. To be eligible for the Medicaid in the District, applicants must be residents of the District and must meet non-financial and financial eligibility requirements. Currently, 1 out of every 3 District residents receives quality health care through the Medicaid program.

Complete the Integrated Application if you are:

  • single, aged 21-64, have no children or dependents, do not get Medicare and do not have full health insurance coverage from your job; OR:
  • if you are applying for yourself and your family and you do not have full health insurance coverage from your job or Medicare

Find More Information about Medicaid, Click Here

What is Alliance?

The DC Healthcare Alliance Program (“the Alliance”) is a locally-funded program designed to provide medical assistance to District residents who are not eligible for Medicaid. The Alliance program serves low-income District residents who have no other health insurance and are not eligible for either Medicaid or Medicare.

To be eligible for the DC Healthcare Alliance, you must:

  • be a resident of the District of Columbia,
  • meet financial eligibility requirements,
  • not have any other health or medical health coverage

To find More Information about Alliance Click Here

What is DC Healthy Families?

DC Healthy Families is a program that provides free health insurance to DC residents who meet certain income and U.S. citizenship or eligible immigration status to qualify for DC Medicaid. The DC Healthy Families program covers doctor visits, vision and dental care, prescription drugs, hospital stays, and transportation for appointments. DC Healthy Families also offers special programs for newborn babies, children with disabilities or special health care needs, and people with HIV and AIDS. To find out more about how to qualify for the DC Medicaid program

Find More Information about DC Healthy Families Here

What is Retro Medicaid?

Medicaid for those in need of assistance paying for medical bills from the past 3 months. You and/or a household member must meet all eligibility requirements for Medicaid during the retroactive period to qualify for Retroactive Medicaid coverage.

To Decline Medicaid Health Coverage

If you and/or other members of your family have been determined to be eligible for Medicaid health coverage through DC Health Link but choose to enroll in a private health insurance plan instead, you have the right to decline your Medicaid health insurance coverage. You must complete, sign, and return the Request to Decline Medicaid Health coverage on DC Health Link.

How to Apply for Medicaid, Alliance, DC Healthy Families, or Retro Medicaid?

There are now four ways to apply for Medical Assistance

Mail your signed application to:
Department of Human Services | Economic Security Administration
P.O. Box 91560
Washington, DC 20090
Case Record Management Unit
Fax the Application to (202) 671-4400

Return the application In-Person at the Service Center closest to you, between 7:30, am to 4:45 pm, Monday through Friday.

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