Through grants to community-based service providers, DHS supports the establishment, maintenance, and expansion of programs and projects that prevent and help individuals and families rebound from incidents of domestic violence.
- Emergency and transitional shelter
- Case management
- Counseling/Advocacy
- Outreach/Education
Survivors of domestic violence, intimate partner violence, and dating violence and their dependent children.
DHS DV Providers
DC Safe
DC SAFE is the only 24/7 crisis intervention agency for domestic violence in Washington, DC. Our mission is to ensure the safety and self-determination of domestic violence survivors through emergency services, court advocacy, and system reform.
DC Hotline: 1844-443-5732
Virginia Williams Family Resource Center is the family intake center for those experiencing homelessness. DASH is located at VWFRC providing case management/counseling services.
Location: 64 New York Avenue, NE, Washington, D.C., DC 20002
Phone: (202) 526-0017
My Sister’s Place
My Sister’s Place shelters support and empower survivors of domestic violence and their children while providing leadership and education to build a supportive community.
Location: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 1436 U St NW, Ste 303 Washington, DC 20009
Phone: 202.529.5261
District Alliance Safe Housing (DASH)
DASH provides access to safe housing options and comprehensive services to ensure that no survivor has to become homeless as a result of abuse, whether it be domestic or sexual violence.
Phone: 202-462-3274
House of Ruth
Founded in 1976, House of Ruth empowers women, children, and families to rebuild their lives and heal from trauma, abuse, and homelessness. House of Ruth offers comprehensive support for women, children, and families. Our continuum of services encompasses enriched housing for families and single women, trauma-informed daycare for children, and free counseling to empower anyone, regardless of gender, who is a survivor of trauma and abuse. Our programs provide individualized support to rebuild safe, independent, and sustainable lives.
Phone: (202) 667-7001
Community Family Life Services
Community Family Life Services has been in existence since 1969 and is a nonprofit that provides children, families, and adults with the tools they need to move themselves beyond poverty and homelessness and also supports women who are returning home following a period of incarceration by assisting them as they move into permanent self-sufficiency. CFLS has two primary goals: to provide short-term crisis assistance; and to empower individuals and families to change their lives over the long term. Our programs and services include transitional housing, mentoring for individuals and families, employment coaching and placement, case management, family education, and emergency services such as food and clothing distribution.
Phone: (202) 347-0511 Fax: (202) 347-0520
305 E Street, NW Washington, DC 20001
Mary's Center
Mary’s Center recognizes the deep and lasting effects of domestic violence and we want you to know you are not alone. We are committed to empowering you and your family to live a life free from violence by providing compassionate care and comprehensive support.
Our caring staff is trained to subtly look for signs of domestic violence (DV) and will refer you to the Domestic Violence Advocate, Family Support Workers, or a Mary’s Center therapist for mental health services if we believe you are experiencing DV. We also accept direct referrals from individuals and other service providers. Our in-house resources and services include Case Management, Safety Planning, Shelter Placement, and Help with Legal Needs.
Phone: (202) 483-8196
DC Victim Hotline: 1-844-4HELPDC (1-844-443-5732), or
access the online chat at www.DCvictim.org/chat.
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
National Text Line: Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor.
Learn more at www.crisistextline.org
Asian Pacific Islander DVRP
Our mission is to address, prevent, and end domestic violence and sexual assault in Asian/Pacific Islander (A/PI) communities while empowering survivors to rebuild their lives after abuse. We envision a world that is free of violence and oppression and with YOUR help, we can achieve this.
A/PI DVRP, PO Box 14268 Washington, DC 20044
Office: (202) 833-2232
Hotline: (202) 833-2233
Email: [email protected]