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HYPOTHERMIA ALERT is activated. Visit

The Virginia Williams Family Resource Center has moved to 64 New York Avenue, NE. Learn more

Protect Your Benefits! Update your EBT PIN regularly. Call 888-304-9167 or visit

DHS is resuming Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) interviews. Learn more

List Your Units Here Today! Read more


Submit a Concern or File an Appeal

Stolen Benefits, Fraud, Suggestions, Complaints and Unusual Incidents

The Office of Program Review, Monitoring, and Investigation (OPRMI) investigate allegations of suspected public assistance benefit fraud, related to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as the Food Stamps Program (FSP); Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Medicaid. Substantiated cases and referred for prosecution or program disqualification.
OPRMI is also responsible for shelter monitoring and evaluating the District of Columbia's programs and services within the continuum that are covered by the Homeless Services Reform Act (HSRA) of 2005 as amended.  These programs and services include the resolution of complaints, grievances, and concerns.

Additionally, OPRMI receives and assesses suggestions for improvement and coordinates the resolution of complaints related to DHS programs and services.

OPRMI is also responsible for shelter monitoring and evaluating the District of Columbia's programs and services within the continuum that are covered by the Homeless Services Reform Act (HSRA) of 2005 as amended.  These programs and services include the resolution of complaints, grievances, and concerns.

For more information related to stolen benefits, fraud, unusual incidents, suggestions for improvement, or complaints, click on the categories below.

Anyone may submit a complaint, suggestion, unusual incident, or allegation of fraud through the below forms: 

OPRMI also investigates Unusual Incidents, such as contractor misconduct, employee misconduct, harassment, and assault, or any matter that could compromise the integrity of DHS programs or which threaten the health or safety of DHS customers, District government employees, and the public.

View the Statement to the Community on Protecting SNAP

“You must not willfully submit a false fraud report to DHS. Willfully making a false statement to DHS is a violation of DC law and means you could be fined up to $1,000 or imprisoned for 180 days, or both (DC Official Code § 22-2405).

How to File an Appeal

If DHS has denied or altered benefits you receive under the following programs, you can appeal that decision to the Office of Administrative Hearings 

  • Food Stamps/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (“SNAP”)
  • Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (“TANF”)
  • Medicaid or Healthcare Alliance eligibility
  • Child care subsidies
  • Interim Disability Assistance (“IDA”)
  • Burial assistance
  • Emergency rental assistance (including decisions by private providers)
Service Contact: 
Office of Program Review, Monitoring and Investigation
Contact Phone: 
(202) 671-4460
Contact TTY: