What is TAH?
The Targeted Affordable Housing (TAH) program provides a permanent housing subsidy with case management (i.e. typically a quarterly check-in) to ensure housing stability. TAH is designed to assist individuals and families who are independent, but due to disability, age or other socio-economic factors require long-term subsidy to prevent homeless. Such individuals and families are appropriately engaged in community services and do not require intensive services to remain stably housed.
- Resident of the District of Columbia
- 1+ years of documented chronic homelessness (1 consecutive year or experienced 4 episodes of homelessness within the last 3 years that accumulate to at least 1+ year) and chronic disabling condition
- Limited income earning potential
- Need for case management
What is provided?
- Long-term rental assistance
- Individualized case management
Who provides case management?
DHS assigned Social Workers or Case Managers
What is expected of clients?
- To connect with their assigned Social Worker or Case Manager quarterly and participate in:
- Housing navigation & stabilization
- Creation and participation in Service Plan
- Pay 30% of gross income towards rental payment and utility payment
Families or Individuals may only be referred to and access TAH through the Coordinated Assessment and Housing Placement (CAHP) system.