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A HYPOTHERMIA ALERT continuation has been issued on Saturday, November 30. 2024 at 3pm per the District’s Winter Plan. Visit

DHS is resuming Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) interviews. Learn more

Want to help? Here is how. Learn more

List Your Units Here Today! Read more

DC Government will operate on a modified schedule for Thanksgiving. DHS ESA Service Centers will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 28th and Friday, Nov. 29th. Learn more




Project Reconnect

Project Reconnect is a shelter diversion and rapid-exit program for unaccompanied adults experiencing homelessness who are 18 years of age and over and meet one of the following criteria: 

  • New Arrivals to Low Barrier Shelter: Those who present at low-barrier shelters for at least one week but have no prior documentation of homelessness in HMIS; 
  • Non-Recent Returners: Individuals who return to a low-barrier shelter for a least a week, after an extended absence from shelter (e.g. at least one month); 
  • Transitioning from System Involvement: Individuals who are transitioning from jail/prison, or are aging out of foster care system without housing supports in place; 
  • Family Engaged: Individuals who demonstrate a willingness and ability to connect with friends and family. 

Staff at low-barrier shelters can refer clients who meet the program criteria and are 25 years of age or older to the Adams Place Day Center and the Downtown Day Services Center to meet with trained case management staff. Clients between the ages of 18-24 can be referred to meet with the Youth Services Division at the Department of Human Services. In addition, staff at the two District-funded day programs can refer and conduct a Diversion/Rapid Exit Program appointment directly. 

For more information, please contact [email protected]