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SNAP Quality Control

What is SNAP Quality Control?

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Quality Control is part of the Office of Program, Review, Monitoring, and Investigation. The Division is responsible for reviewing SNAP cases to ensure that the Economic Security Administration follows all rules and regulations of the SNAP program when determining eligibility for DC applicants and/or recipients. We want you to know your case is not being reviewed because you did anything wrong or because there is a problem.  It is required by federal law for all states.

SNAP Quality Control looks for two things:

  1. That your household is receiving the right amount of SNAP benefits; and
  2. That the local SNAP agency is processing cases timely and correctly.

Who are the SNAP Quality Control Compliance Specialists?

Compliance Specialists are District Government employees responsible for handling Quality Control case reviews.

Why was my case chosen by Quality Control?

Your case was not selected by Quality Control because you did anything wrong.
A computer system randomly selects cases each month by case number.
A Compliance Specialist will then contact the head of household associated with that case number for an interview. Anyone who receives SNAP benefits in the District of Columbia is subject to have their case reviewed; no case is excluded from the random selection process.  Please keep in mind that your case can be selected more than once because the case selections are done randomly by a computer system. 

The Quality Control review process was put into place by the United Department of Agriculture, Food Nutrition Services to make sure that federal guidelines are being followed and to determine if households are eligible to receive the correct benefit amounts.

Do I have to participate in the review?

Yes! The Quality Control review process is federally mandated in accordance with CFR §§275.3(c)(5) and 275.12(g)(1)(ii). If your case was selected for review, you must cooperate to continue receiving SNAP benefits.

The Quality Control Division understands that this process may be inconvenient because you are being required to provide some of the same verification documents you may have recently provided during the application or recertification process.  Refusal to cooperate will result in the termination of your benefits until you cooperate with the Compliance Specialist.  If you reapply for SNAP benefits, your eligibility will not be determined until you complete the Quality Control review.

What happens during a Quality Control review?

The Compliance Specialist will conduct an interview with the Head of Household, Authorized Representative, or any other adult member of the SNAP household to discuss, review, and collect current verifying documentation to make sure you are receiving the correct amount of SNAP benefits. All actions taken by the agency during the processing of your case will be reviewed by the Compliance Specialist which includes reviewing and verifying all statements made and documentation you provided during the application, recertification,  mid-certification, or interim change process. 

The Quality Control review is similar to but is not the same as or takes the place of the SNAP application or recertification process.  If you are due to recertify or if must reapply for your SNAP benefits, that will still be done at the local Service Center or by whatever means are established by the Economic Security Administration.

Why does Quality Control need to do an interview?

If you receive less than $100 in SNAP benefits, your interview can be conducted by phone.  For households receiving more than $100 in SNAP benefits, a face-to-face or virtual interview is required.

Face-to-face or virtual interviews are often scheduled to take place at a local Service Center or in our office located at 64 New York Avenue, NE.  If you cannot keep your scheduled appointment, please notify the Compliance Specialist as soon as possible to reschedule.  If you are Aged and/or Disabled and having trouble getting to the local office, you may request a home visit.   

Please keep in mind, refusal to meet with a Compliance Specialist by phone, in-person or virtual conference will result in the termination of your SNAP benefits., If you misplace or cannot remember the name and telephone number of your assigned Compliance Specialist, please contact Quality Control at:

Phone: 202-671-4460

Note: To permit social distancing guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the SNAP QC review process is conducted over the phone with a Compliance Specialist. The following documents can be submitted by phone (via text message photo) and email for verification purposes.

What kind of documents will I need for the review?

You will need to provide current documentation about your income, expenses, and who is living in your home.  The specific documentation needed may vary depending on your situation, but could include items such as pay stubs, a rent receipt, a lease or statement from your Landlord or the person you live with, and utility bills.  The documentation may be the same or similar information provided to your local Service Center during the application, recertification, or change reporting process. Quality Control is a separate fact-finding entity that is required to collect data directly from you as the client or a third party.

How can I send my documents to Quality Control?

You should provide as much documentation as possible during your scheduled interview. Any outstanding or additional requested documentation can be sent via text message, electronic mail, or postal mail to:


[email protected]

Mailing Address:

Department of Human Services
Attn: Quality Control/OPRMI
64 New York Avenue, NE 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20002


What if I have more questions?

If you have been contacted by Quality Control, and have any questions about the process, please feel free to contact us at 202-671-4460.