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HYPOTHERMIA ALERT is activated. Visit

The Virginia Williams Family Resource Center has moved to 64 New York Avenue, NE. Learn more

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DHS is resuming Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) interviews. Learn more

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Recertification for Benefits

Overview of Certification Periods and Reporting Requirements

Simplified Reporting

All SNAP households in the District of Columbia are assigned to simplified reporting.

Households must complete a mid-certification form every 6 months through their certification period unless they meet ESAP criteria. Households that meet ESAP criteria are households in which:

  • All adults are age 60 or older and/or disabled, and
  • Do not have earned income. 

All simplified reporting households must complete recertification at the end of their certification period if they wish to be considered for ongoing eligibility. Households that meet ESAP criteria are not required to participate in an interview at recertification.

All simplified reporting households must report the following changes no later than 10 days from the end of the month in which the change occurred.  If the change occurs with less than 10 days remaining in the month, the change must be reported within 10 days.

  • Your household’s gross monthly income goes over the limit for your household size at the time you applied or last recertified (see Table 1 on the SNAP General Eligibility Requirements page for the current gross monthly income limits by household size). If your income increases, but is still below your limit, you don’t have to update us.
  • A household member wins $4,250 or more in a lottery or gambling winnings (a cash prize/winning won in a single game, before taxes or other amounts withheld)
  • If an able-bodied adult without dependents (ABAWDs) subject to SNAP time limits decreases their work hours to less than 20 hours per week, averaged monthly (Note: At this time, ABAWDS in the District are not subject to SNAP time limits.)


A mid-certification Report is a request to confirm your current circumstances or to report changes to determine if you are still eligible for SNAP benefits and to adjust ongoing monthly benefits if needed. Failure to complete your Mid-Certification timely will result in the loss of SNAP benefits. The Mid-Certification is due 6 months into your 12-month certification period unless:

  1. Your assistance unit has a certification period of six months or less, or
  2. All adults in your assistance unit are elderly or disabled and have no earned income

When you answer the questions, you must give information for everyone included in your SNAP (Food Stamps) benefits household. This includes parents or spouses who live with you but are not included in your SNAP (Food Stamps) because of their immigration status. This also includes information for sponsors of aliens, even if the sponsor does not live in your home. You can use a separate sheet of paper to explain any of your answers or give more information.

How To Submit Your Recertification or Mid-Certification:

You or your Authorized Representative can submit a Recertification or Mid-Certification in one of the following ways:

  1. Mobile App: Download the District First App to your phone from the Apple or Google Play stores
  2. Online: Visit the DHS website at - and submit this form electronically
  3. Mail: Download a copy OR use the paper copy sent with your recertification packet to:

U.S. Postal Mail - DC Health Link,
Case Record Management Unit,
P.O. Box 91560
Washington, DC 20090

You may also complete and sign the enclosed form and drop it off at one of the three open DHS Service Centers:

  • H Street Service Center at 645 H Street NE
  • Congress Heights Service Center at 4049 South Capitol Street, SW
  • Taylor Street Service Center at 1207 Taylor Street NW
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