The Strong Families Program strives to strengthen the individual and family unit, to foster healthy development and help address the issues that create ongoing challenges for District residents.
What is the Strong Families Program?
The Strong Families Program is a prevention/early intervention support program for District of Columbia residents. Strong Families is structured to help vulnerable individuals and families, citywide, who are in crisis and experiencing multiple, complex challenges that may lead to individual or family disintegration or separation.
What Services are Provided?
The Strong Families Program is here to assist you and your family if you experience the following: a fire, building closure, condemnation, or any natural disaster.
The Strong Families Program provides a range of social services. These include assessment of client’s needs, development of case plans, short-term social work intervention, and referral and coordination of services with District and community agencies.
Who’s there to help?
The program is staffed with caring and sensitive social workers, case managers and other program staff who ensure that the following program objectives are met during their interactions with clients:
- All interactions with clients are conducted confidentially and with respect, dignity and support;
- The needs, desires, and individual preferences of each person served are the key factors in any case planning and decision making activity on behalf of the client(s); and
- Provides services in a manner that fosters positive client outcomes and adheres to principles of cost-effectiveness, accountability and efficiency
How do I contact Strong Families?
The Strong Families Program is located at 64 New York Ave, NE. Washington, DC. For more information, please call the general information number at (202) 698-4293.