Friday, August 26, 2016
Meeting Agenda #2
August 30, 2016
DHS Headquarters
64 New York Ave, NE, Sixth Floor
Pre-Meeting Gathering: 10:30am-11:00pm
• Conversation with and among customers to discuss perspectives about the DC TANF program
• Q&A with DHS staff about data
• viewing the New York Times video about 20 years of welfare reform.
Working Group Meeting: 11:00am-2:00pm
- Welcome – Anthea Seymour, ESA Administrator, DHS
- Agenda review and introductions– Barbara Poppe (facilitator)
- Update on Community Dialogues– Barbara Poppe
- Panel discussion on the “Value of TANF” – customer and advocate perspectives
- Presentation by national TANF expert
Presentation: Anthea Seymour, ESA Administrator, DHS
a. Cost analysis of potential unintended consequences of time limits
b. Cost analysis of policy options for time limit exemptions
Small Group Dialogues:
a. Discuss risks and benefits of all policy options including no time limits
b. Discuss and develop scenarios of policy options within budget breaks
- Closing and next steps