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The Virginia Williams Family Resource Center has moved to 64 New York Avenue, NE. Learn more

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DHS is resuming Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) interviews. Learn more

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Mayor Bowser Welcomes Back Employees as DC Government Leads in Returning to the Workplace

Monday, July 12, 2021
In-Person, Walk-in Services Expand for Residents and Businesses

(Washington, DC) – Today, Mayor Bowser welcomed back DC Government employees as they returned to the workplace. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, approximately 60% of District Government personnel transitioned to full-time teleworking, while approximately 34% of employees continued to report in-person, full time.

With the full return of DC government employees, DC Government will be able to expand in-person services that were either paused or only available by appointment, over the phone, or online. Some online processes and programs that were created during the pandemic will stay in place even with the return of in-person options.

Examples of those expanded government services are below.

Department of Human Services
DC Department of Human Services (DHS) will resume in-person services beginning July 12, 2021. DHS Service Centers, the Virginia Williams Family Resource Center (VWFRC), and the Downtown Daytime Services Center will resume in-person services for District residents.

DC Public Libraries
Conference, meeting, and study rooms will be available for use beginning Monday, July 12, 2021.

Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
The DMV will return to full walk-ins only on for Adjudication Services on July 19, and for all Service Centers on July 20 and no appointments will be required. The DMV will also still offer some services remotely. The inspection station remains first come first serve and the OBD kiosk is available 24/7 inspection renewals for vehicle model years 2005 or newer.

DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) and Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA)
DDOT and DCRA permitting offices will be open for in-person services and customers may continue to use online systems.

American Job Centers
The American Job Center is reopening today, on July 12. Residents will be able to access both in-person and remote services.

Summer Acceleration Academies (SAAs)
Summer Acceleration Academies will occur at almost all DCPS schools with most schools serving K-8 students in a 3-week summer program. These in-person program will also occur in tandem with programming including Extended School Year (ESY) for students with this service written in their IEP as well as programming for English learners. Additionally, DCPS will have traditional, centrally run enrichment programming for students in grades K-8 that will occur in a remote-only posture for a five-week period from July 6 - August 6.

Service Center Locations & Hours
The Anacostia, Congress Heights and the H Street Service Centers resume in-person services and interviews for new applications for public benefits such as TANF and SNAP as well as recerts on July 12, and are open Monday through Friday, 7:45 am – 4:45 pm. The Fort Davis and Taylor Street Service Centers are temporarily closed until further notice for renovations. Residents may continue utilizing the on-line application and the mobile app if preferred.

Applying & Re-Certifying for Public Benefits
Residents applying for public benefits may complete an online application at or visit the Anacostia, Congress Heights or H Street Service Centers.

Re-certifications for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits are now required. Use the District First mobile app to update your contact information to be notified when it's your turn to recertify and complete your recertification application as soon as possible.

Questions about public benefits may also be directed to the Call Center at (202) 727-5355.

Access to Emergency Shelter
Low-barrier, emergency, family, and youth shelters remain open.

The Virginia Williams Family Resource Center will continue conducting assessments for homeless services via phone AND open for in-person interviews on a limited capacity. As part of a phased re-opening of VWFRC, the center will operate at 50 percent of its pre-pandemic capacity, meaning a maximum of 30 guests are permitted in the center at given time. Entry will be permitted on a first-come, first-served basis. If there are 30 guests in the building, families are advised to call the hotline to receive service over the phone. Families and individuals seeking access to homeless services may call the DC Shelter Hotline at (202) 399-7093, Monday through Sunday, 8 am -12 am or call 311 after hours.

Low barrier shelters for individuals experiencing homelessness will continue to extend daytime hours and serve grab and go meals.

Drop-In Centers for Homeless Services
The Downtown Day Services Center now offers walk-in services to guests and an appointment is not required. As part of a phased re-opening, the Center will operate at 30 percent of its pre-pandemic capacity, meaning a maximum of 40 guests are permitted in the Center at any time, and entry will be permitted on a first-come, first-served basis. The Center hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9 am - 5 pm and services include showers, laundry, medical treatment, computer access, electronic/mobile device charging, housing case management, employment counseling, harm reduction services, and other vital services. Full capacity lunch services are available Monday through Friday, 11 am – 1 pm as well as weekend meals. The Center will continue to practice COVID-19 safety protocols and social distancing, and all guests are required to wear a mask while in the Center.

The Zoe's Doors and the Sasha Bruce Youth Drop-in Centers remain open.

Fair Hearings
To request a Fair Hearing, customers receiving public benefits may call (202) 698-3955 or (202) 535-1182. Residents receiving homeless services within the Continuum of Care may continue to request a Fair Hearing at (202) 442-9094.

Case Management Visits & Assessments
In-person case management services for all DHS programs including shelter and housing services will resume July 12, 2021 with limited capacity at the discretion of the customer.

Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Cards
New and replacement EBT cards are sent via mail to the customer’s address on record with DHS. To update a mailing address, contact the Call Center at (202) 727-5355. Customers without a fixed mailing address may visit EBT Offices at 645 H Street NE and 1649 Good Hope Road SE to receive their EBT cards. Office hours are as follows:

  • H Street: Monday, 7:30 am - 4:45 pm; Wednesday, 7:30 am – 12 pm; Friday, 7:30 am - 4:45 pm.
  • Good Hope Road: Tuesday, 7:30 am - 4:45 pm; Thursday, 7:30 am - 4:45 pm.

Child Care
Applications for financial assistance for child care may be dropped off at the Congress Heights Service Center where in-person interviews will be conducted on a limited capacity. Customers may continue providing interviews via phone. Recertifications are automatically processed and valid for 60-90 days. Customers with a voucher requesting reassignment may contact the selected childcare provider.