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District Seeks Available Rental Units for Permanent Supportive Housing Program (PSHP)

Friday, July 18, 2008
Washington, DC

The Government of the District of Columbia is seeking apartment units that meet the following criteria to house individuals and families under the District’s Permanent Supportive Housing Program (PSHP). The PSHP is an initiative developed to provide permanent housing and supportive services to chronically homeless individuals and families with histories of homelessness to ensure housing stabilization, maximum levels of self-sufficiency and an overall better quality of life for this population. Through the PSHP, the homeless are provided with ongoing rental subsidies and case management services. Case managers work with program participants to address barriers (mental health, substance abuse, unemployment, etc.) through connection to support services. Case managers also serve as liaisons between program participants and landlord. Approximately 500 apartment units for individuals are being sought between November 2008 and August 2009. Approximately 80 apartment units are being sought for families between November 2008 and January 2009.
Specific Need: Efficiencies, 1-bedrooms, 2-bedroom, 3-bedroom, 4-bedroom, 5 bedroom and 6-bedroom apartment units or homes. The apartment units should be located in privately owned and managed buildings/complexes throughout the District of Columbia. We are seeking apartment units in all quadrants of the District. There is a preference for apartment units that are located in buildings that are mixed income in terms of the income levels of the tenants. We are also seeking units that near public transportation and that are accessible for persons with disabilities and that meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines. Units that include all utilities are highly preferred. Owners/landlords who have multiply units/apartment complexes throughout the District are encouraged to participate.  

Rental Term: Standard term of one (1) year with the option to renew.

Rent: Proposed rent amounts and information on utilities should be included in all submissions. It should be clearly noted whether all, some or no utilities will be included (and what specific utilities the tenant will be responsible for). Listed below are the maximum cap rent amounts that will be paid for apartment units under this program.

Number of Bedrooms  Maximum Rent Amount
Efficiency  $1,127
  1-bedroom  $1,285
  2-bedroom  $1,456
  3-bedroom  $1,878
  4-bedroom  $2,458
  5-bedroom  $2,826
  6-bedroom  $3,195

** Efficiencies and 1-bedroom apartments are needed primarily for individuals and the other bedroom sizes are primarily for families.
Please note that these amounts are maximum caps for units regardless of location or amenities. Exceptions (increases) to these maximum caps may only be made for units that include all utilities. Also note that the actual rent amount that will be paid for any specific unit is not determined by maximum cap rent amounts listed above, but is determined by the Rent Reasonableness determination.

The purpose of Rent Reasonableness analysis is to assure that:

A fair rent is paid for apartment units;
The PSHP does not inflate rents in a particular community;
The rent received for assisted units is at least equal to that of the comparable unassisted units on the property; and,
US Department of Housing and Urban Development factors are applied when determining reasonable rent.
Please note that the amount derived through the rent reasonableness determination is the actual maximum rent amount that will be paid for a specific unit (regardless if that amount is below the maximum cap rent amount.)   Exceptions (increases) to the rent reasonableness determination may only be made for units that include all utilities.

Availability:  Apartment units for individuals should be available to rent/lease and be occupied between November 1, 2008 and August 1, 2008. Apartment units for families should be available to rent/lease and be occupied between November 1, 2008 and January 1, 2008. Owners/landlords are encouraged to offer units that are currently available and that will be available within the listed timeframes.

Use: General Residential use for individuals and families.

Condition of Apartment Units: Apartment units, and the building they exist within, must pass an inspection that determines whether it meets all Housing Quality Standards as determined by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Apartment units must also be free of any code violations. Please specify the number and size of any/all units that are ADA accessible.

If you are interested in learning more about the program, please contact Fred Swan at (202) 541-3921 or [email protected].

If you would like to submit units for consideration, please contact Clarence Stewart and (202) 543-5298 ext. 121 or at [email protected].

Complete the rental unit availability form.

Learn more about the Permanent Supportive Housing Program*.