The Department of Human Services has posted the proposed TANF State Plan for a 45 day notice and comment period. All comments should be submitted either by US mail to:
Deborah Carroll, Administrator
Economic Security Administration
Department of Human Services
645 H Strreet, NE
Washington, DC 20002
or you may email comments to [email protected]
The TANF state plan reflects how the District of Columbia intends to allocate the federal TANF grant, and also services through which it intends to fulfill its Maintenance of Effort (MOE) spending obligation. The plan is submitted every two years. This submission reflects the elements of the TANF redesign, which DHS has been developing and is in the process of implementing. Currently, there are over 17,000 families receiving TANF in the District of Columbia. Unless exempt, those the adult recipients are required to engage in activities related to work or preparing for work.