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DHS Announces the Reopening of the Interim Disability Program (IDA) Beginning May 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010
Washington, DC

On May 1, 2010, The Department of Human Services' (DHS) Income Maintenance Administration will re-open the Interim Disability Program (IDA) to serve a total of 1,500 persons per month, consistent with 2010 and 2011 budget forecasts.

The IDA Program provides temporary financial assistance to those who are unable to work due to a disability, and have a high probability of receiving federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI).  IDA payments are issued until SSI eligibility is approved or denied.

In preparation for the re-opening of the program, DHS will contact customers from the top of the IDA waiting list beginning immediately.  In chronologically reviewing the waiting list, DHS will approve IDA benefits for approximately 400 new customers, who have an active SSI application.  For these new recipients, the effective date of eligibility for payment will be May 1, 2010.

DHS will also continue to add new applicants to the waiting list, when they meet IDA requirements.

All applicants who received a notice that they are on the waiting list are encouraged to update their address and contact information if they have moved or no longer live in the District of Columbia. Each subsequent month, as customers are approved for SSI or are otherwise terminated from IDA, the Department of Human Services will move approximately 50-150 additional customers from the waiting list onto the IDA program.

For all current IDA recipients, it is important to recertify on time.  Customers who are terminated from the IDA Program because they failed to recertify are not eligible for reinstatement of their benefits.  If they reapply and meet IDA requirements, they will be placed on the waiting list.