The Department of Human Services (DHS) in collaboration with the District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA) have activated the city's Cold Emergency Plan due to frigid weather Thursday, February 26, 2015 through the early morning hours of Friday, February 27, 2015; Friday, February 27 through the early morning hours of Saturday, February 28, 2015; and Saturday, February 28 through the early morning hours of Sunday, March 1, 2015.
Thursday, February 26, 2015 - Sunday, March 1, 2015.
The District activates the Cold Emergency plan when the temperature and wind chill drop to 15° F or when the temperature, with wind chill, is 20° F and there is an accompanying meteorological event such as snow.
HSEMA, DHS and other agencies have determined that the weather as forecast presents a danger, especially to residents who are experiencing homelessness. The HSEMA activation of a Cold Emergency enables District agencies to implement additional measures such as low-barrier warming sites to keep residents who are experiencing homelessness warm and safe.
To request transport to shelter for persons in DC who are experiencing homelessness and are on the street now, contact the Shelter Hotline at [email protected]. Include the time when the reporter saw the person, the address or location of the sighting, and a description of the person’s appearance. Persons who are in need of shelter who don’t have a cell phone or change for a payphone should use the toll-free number: 1(800) 535-7252.