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2017 Point-in-Time Count of People Experiencing Homelessness

Monday, February 5, 2018

On January 25, 2017 The Community Partnership for the Prevention of Homelessness conducted the annual Point-in-Time (PIT) Count for the District of Columbia. The PIT Count provides a “snapshot” of the number and demographic characteristics of adults and children who were experiencing homelessness in the District on that day. TCP has conducted the count, a requirement for all jurisdictions re-ceiving Federal homeless assistance funding, on behalf of the District of Columbia since 2001. This single-day enumeration of the home-less services continuum of care gives TCP and our partners in District Government an opportunity to identify gaps in the current portfo-lio of services and informs future program planning with special consideration to Homeward DC, the local strategic plan to end homelessness. 

On the night of the PIT, there were 7,473 people who were experiencing homelessness in the District of Columbia, 897 of whom were unsheltered, 5,363 were in an emergency shelter, and 1,213 were in a transitional housing program on the night of the count. The total number of people experiencing homelessness has decreased by 10.5% since the 2016 PIT count.