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HYPOTHERMIA ALERT is activated. Visit

Modified District Government Services for New Year's Day. Click here

Protect Your Benefits! Update your EBT PIN regularly. Call 888-304-9167 or visit

The Virginia Williams Family Resource Center (VWFRC) has moved to 64 New York Avenue NE. Learn more

DHS is resuming Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) interviews. Learn more

List Your Units Here Today! Read more



Resources for Third-Party Partners (Grantee)

The Department of Human Services, Economic Security Administration (DHS/ESA), seeks eligible entities to provide employment and training services to low-income District residents through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) program. DHS serves as the lead agency in the District of Columbia for the SNAP E&T program, as authorized by the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (Pub. L. No 110-246, §6(d)(4); 7 U.S.C. §2015(d)(4). The SNAP E&T program is funded and administered federally through the U.S. Department of Agriculture – Food and Nutrition Service (USDA-FNS). The SNAP E&T program assists SNAP recipients in achieving their career goals by providing participants with a broad range of services focused on their interests and needs. DHS/ESA seeks proposals from eligible entities to provide one or more of the following categories of services to SNAP recipients: (1) education and vocational training, (2) work experience (3) self-employment training, (4) job search training, and (5) job retention. Providers will also be responsible for ensuring that all program participants receive case management services. The Division of Customer Workforce Employment and Training of DHS/ESA will administer this RFA on behalf of the Agency. 
The purpose of these grants is to advance DHS’s mission to empower every District resident to reach their full potential by providing meaningful connections to work opportunities, economic assistance, and supportive services. The SNAP E&T program contributes to DHS’s mission by helping program participants enter into and progress along a career pathway and receive the support needed to achieve their goals. Grants awarded through this RFA allow the SNAP E&T program to provide a broad range of employment and training services that align with these objectives through a variety of high-quality providers. They also allow DHS/ESA to reach more SNAP recipients who could benefit from program services.