Recognizing the challenges some smaller and minority-led entities may face in adjusting their operations to bill and successfully receive reimbursement for HSS from DC Medicaid, the ICH worked with the Partnership to end Homelessness to secure philanthropic funders to hire the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) to provide the initial technical assistance these providers would need.
For more information on the technical assistance provided, see a summary here: CSH Medicaid Transition Technical Assistance One-Pager
CSH Supportive Housing Medicaid Academy
The CSH Supportive Housing Medicaid Academy prepares community-based providers to enroll in DC’s Medicaid program and to bill for Housing Supportive Services (HSS). The Academy training is a 6-week series of 2-hour training to support agencies make the administrative shifts needed to successfully bill and receive Medicaid reimbursement for the delivery of housing supportive services. The Academy is tailored to the health care and PSH delivery systems in DC. Providers learn how to enroll as a provider in Medicaid, the process for enrolling clients into the Medicaid HSS benefit, how to supervise and budget based on Medicaid’s administrative models, and comply with all required regulations. Providers leave the Medicaid Academy with an actionable work plan to implement immediately.
Below are the materials for each of the Medicaid Academy sessions:
- Medicaid Academy- Session 1: Orientation & HSS Provider Enrollment
- Medicaid Academy- Session 2: Participant Enrollment
- Medicaid Academy-Session 3: Staffing and Budgeting
- Medicaid Academy-Session 4: Policies and Procedures
- Medicaid Academy-Session 5: Office Hours
- Medicaid Academy-Session 6: QA and QI 2022
- Medicaid-Academy-Session 5A: Documentation
- Medicaid-Academy-Session 5B: Billing
- Medicaid-Academy-Session 5C: Auditing and Compliance