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HYPOTHERMIA ALERT is activated. Visit

The Virginia Williams Family Resource Center has moved to 64 New York Avenue, NE. Learn more

Protect Your Benefits! Update your EBT PIN regularly. Call 888-304-9167 or visit

DHS is resuming Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) interviews. Learn more

List Your Units Here Today! Read more


Conflict-Free Assessments and Provider Choice 

Federal rules require that each person will have an independent, “conflict-free” assessment and person-centered service plan for any Medicaid-funded HCBS, including HSS.  As part of their care plan, the individual will choose the service provider who will deliver their HSS Services.  The assessment and development of the individual’s person-centered service plan cannot be completed by anyone who works for the same organization that will provide HSS to the person.   

To meet this federal requirement, each person who is eligible for the HSS benefit will have a face-to-face or virtual meeting with a DHS staff representative to complete an assessment and develop a person-centered service plan.  A person can choose to get support or be accompanied by anyone they choose during the assessment meeting.   

The DHS staff who conduct the assessment and develop a person-centered service plan will be familiar with the range of available HSS service providers and housing options, and they will help the person select their HSS service provider based on the individual’s needs and preferences.   

After the individual has selected their HSS provider, DHS will notify the HSS service provider and assign a prior authorization code for the individual to receive HSS services from the provider they have selected. 

At this time, the HSS service provider will reach out to the person to begin to engage them in services based on their person-centered service plan.