The Parent and Adolescent Support Services (PASS) Intensive Case Management (ICM) program assists youth, 10 to 17 years old, who are engaging in behaviors such as skipping school (truancy), leaving home without permission, not returning home by curfew, and/or exhibiting extreme disobedience in and/or outside the home. PASS ICM provides early intervention services to the youth and families it serves with the ultimate goal of keeping youth out of the juvenile justice and/or child welfare systems by reducing or eliminating these behaviors. PASS ICM uses the Transition to Independence Process in partnership with the Department of Behavioral Health, a case management system for older youth with emotional and behavioral challenges. All youth receiving PASS ICM services have access to community support services such as mentoring, tutoring, and after-school programming. Referrals can be made via email or use the referral form.
PASS Functional Family Therapy (FFT)
A short-term (3-6 months) family counseling service that aims to reduce a young person's referring behavior. FFT addresses referring behaviors such as extreme disobedience, truancy, curfew violations, leaving home without permission, other legal involvement, etc. Therapists meet with both Guardian/ Parent and young person at least once a week to address behaviors. Family therapy sessions are offered in the home, community, or office settings. Referrals can be made via email or use the referral form. Read more on Functional Family Therapy (FFT) for more program information.
PASS Crisis Stabilization Team (PCAST)
A community-based program that offers intensive short-term( 90-180 days) case management services to decrease behavioral health crises that may lead to unnecessary hospitalizations or out-of-home placement. Case Managers meet with the young person up to four times a week. Case managers also coordinate services with caregivers and other relevant parties to implement safety plans. Referrals can be made via email or use the referral form. Read more on the Crisis and Stabilization Team (PCAST) for more program information.
PASS ICM is a voluntary program open to families of DC youth, 10 to 17 years old. Parents/guardians and the youth must commit to participating in the case planning process and in recommended services. Families are not eligible for PASS ICM if they have an open case with the Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) or if the youth has an active case with Court Social Services (CSS) or the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS).