Our vision is that homelessness in the District of Columbia will be rare, brief, and nonrecurring. We will eliminate racial inequities in the homeless services system and create systemic fair treatment for all people. Read more about our vision and strategic plan to end homelessness in Homeward DC 2.0.
Homeless and Homeless Prevention Services for Families include:
- Short-term family housing
- Eviction Prevention and Rental Assistance
- Housing programs, including transitional housing, Rapid Re-Housing, Targeted Affordable Housing, and Permanent Supportive Housing
Homeless and Homeless Prevention Services for Individuals include:
- Emergency shelter and day centers
- Shelter Diversion
- Outreach
- Eviction Prevention and Rental Assistance
- Housing programs, including transitional housing, Rapid Re-Housing, Targeted Affordable Housing, and Permanent Supportive Housing
Homeless and Homeless Prevention Services for Youth include shelter, drop-in centers, and diversion.