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ESA Policy Manuals

ESA SNAP Policy Manual

Friday, February 28, 2025 

The District of Columbia (“District” or “D.C.”) Department of Human Services (DHS) Economic Security Administration (ESA) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Policy Manual is the primary resource used by social service representatives (SSRs) to obtain guidance on determining eligibility and the amount of SNAP benefits for which individuals may potentially be eligible. Instructions on how to use the Manual are provided at the beginning of the document.

ESA SNAP Policy Manual_1-24-25

ESA Policy Manual

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The D.C. Department of Human Services (DHS) ESA Policy Manual provides official instructions and the guiding principles for the implementation of ESA (formerly Income Maintenance Administration (IMA)) programs, other than SNAP, to the extent that the policies have not been superseded by law, regulation, policy memoranda, or updates to procedures. The Manual provides front-line operations staff with clear, consistent policy standards for providing services. Information on SNAP in the ESA Combined Policy Manual is no longer operative.

ESA Policy Manual-Combined Revised 2

If you have questions or comments about the ESA SNAP Policy Manual or the ESA Combined Policy Manual, please contact ESA at [email protected].